Saturday 20 April 2013

13 Health Benefits of Onions

Onion, it sounds like a common spice of kitchen cupboard, right? Not like that, there are plenty health benefits of onions that prevent many diseases. Onion is the useful kitchen stuff though we are not aware of its health benefits. The study has shown that 160 grams onion has vitamin C, fiber, molybdenum, manganese, vitamin B, folate, potassium, tryptophan and Calories. We take onion daily although we don’t know amazing health benefits of it. Let’s learn something about onion.

13 Health Benefits of Onions

Oral care
Onion is the effective home remedy for toothache and oral infection. Different studies demonstrated that onion extracts decrease the risk of oral and esophageal cancer. Another study shows that onion extract fights against oral pathogenic bacteria.

Heart Care
Onion does several significant actions for heart care. It Boost beneficial HDL cholesterol while it helps to thin the blood vessel. Regular intake of onion prevents coronary heart disease.

 Skin care
Onion is one of the commonly used home remedied for various skin related issue. People often use onion mixing with other natural ingredients such as honey or olive oil to treat acne.

Onion soothes cough
Onion juice is used to treat sore throat and cough. It’s inflammatory property mixing with honey gives an excellent cough syrup.

Insect repellent
Onion extract popularly used to treat insect bite infection. Onion juice or onion paste reduces pain caused due to insect bites.

Abdominal care
Onion takes care of different stomach disorder with its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Onion extracts work to reduce stomach acids that in turn help to prevent heartburn while it’s effective to minimize the risk of gastric ulcer.

Urinary treatment
Onion is a healer of urinary burning. People who are suffering from urinary burning can use onion extract as one of the effective home treatments.

Ear wax treatment
Onion extract as a bacteria killer used in ear treatment. Using a few drops of onion extract in deep ear heal ear wax or ear infection. Treating ear wax is one of the best healing health benefits of onions.

Purify blood
Different studies have shown that the anti-clotting property of onion can prevent unwanted clumping of blood platelet cells. The related study has also shown that sulfur compounds in onion can lower blood levels of cholesterol and triglyceride.

Anti-cancer properties
Preventing cancer is one of the most helpful health benefits of onions. Onion has the properties to prevent the risk of different cancer including colorectal cancer, laryngeal cancer, and ovarian. Regular intake of onion significantly reduces the risk of cancer.

Cardiovascular benefits
Onion has chromium and vitamin B6 that contributes to improve cardiovascular health. Onion extract sensationally lessens high blood pressure and lowering cholesterol level in blood.

Bleeding treatment
Onion extract used to stop bleeding from the nose. It’s also useful in bleeding piles and other bleeding problem.

Insomnia treatment
Daily intake of onion helps to sleep well. Onion extract is also used to treat insomnia and sleep apnea.

The nutritionist has recommended consuming at least one-half of a medium onion each day to get together with the health benefits of it.

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